Long island's Licensed Golden Retriever Breeder
Long island's Licensed Golden Retriever Breeder
Parasites are everywhere, along side bacteria, they are spread very easily. Studies have found that more than 65% of Americans live with parasites and don't even know it. Those with pets are more likely to have parasites if the proper maintenance is not taken. It's extremely common in animals due to the manner in which they behave. Unlike humans, dogs and other animals, put their mouths in everything, especially their behinds, under shoes, lick objects inside and outside the home. Learning how parasites operate will allow you to succeed through the life of your pet(s). A puppy is introduced to parasites, almost immediately upon birth. The nursing mom licks and eats her puppies' fecal matter to stimulate their bowls and then licks her nursery nipples to stimulate and assist pups with nursing. This creates a hatching event. Puppies cannot get dewormered until they reach a certain age and not all dewormers are safe or the same. Each dewormer attacks different types of parasites. The summer months are the hardest and most prevalent. They are most unavoidable as flies and mosquitos also carry parasitic larvae and pass on to pets much easier. Please note Dewormers are not for only worms but microbial based parasites too. Dewormers are used to detox and cleanse your puppies intestines. It kills hatched adult parasites and flush the eggs out. The eggs will not die automatically. They hatch on a 21 day time cycle (which will give it plenty of opportunity to get back into your puppy or you) which is why its so important to continue deworming your puppy every 2 weeks, to reduce the population and eventually eliminate reinfection. If your puppy eats something from outside or licks an area with parasitic eggs, it will need to get dewormed again. All dogs should get dewormed monthly. Some vets prioritize based on your regent. However, it is important to note, that if your pet goes outside or has old toys, dirty bedding or another dog in the home, parasitic events will occur more frequent and likely. It is extremely rare for a puppy to become seriously ill from parasites, unless they have been reinfecting for long periods of time, have a sensitive digestion system, or an already weakened immune system due to fighting other illnesses. All puppies that leave our premises will be leaving with Parasite information, dewormers if needed and guidance on how to maintain and eliminate any if they arise. We are here as a guide and as an educator. Please do your research on parasites prior to purchasing a dog to see if this is the right fit for you. If parasites are an issue, then a dog may not be right for you.
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