Long island's Licensed Golden Retriever Breeder
Long island's Licensed Golden Retriever Breeder
The following are a list of guidelines, that would be required in order to schedule a visit. If the answers to any are no, we advise against scheduling.
If you have responded yes, to all the above, you are now ready to schedule, if you would like to schedule in a future date, we recommend going to the contact us section and add to a future waiting list. Indicate the month and year you would be ready to acquire a puppy.
Due to high call volumes, please only contact us after reviewing the website. If you expect a puppy on a specific future date. Please contact us through the waitlist and explain in detail when you plan to be ready. For more immediate purchases, please call or text. If we don't have any one left on the waitlist for that month, we list the puppies on the website. All puppies reserved via waitlist will not be posted on the website. (Texting is most preferred for faster service) Our process is very simple. You add yourself to our waitlist or call, text or email to schedule a visit (Only when you are absolutely ready for a puppy). Our appointment sessions are generally an hour (Please plan accordingly). The first 30 minutes you will be able to play and interact with the puppies to see which one is the right fit. We monitor the puppies' behaviors, mannerisms and assist in making the right decision for you and your family. Once a puppy is selected, we focus the second half (usually 30 minutes in length) on instructions, maintenance and the large paperwork application. We provide a bag of goodies to get you started and advise to keep in contact with us so we can further assist you and your puppy during the transition process. We continue to assist after our puppies leave to ensure a smooth transition process. Important to note: Not all puppies transition to new environments the same, which is why it is important that we stay in contact to ensure their best care. Please note: This is also an interview process, from the moment we get the call and the visit. We are interviewing the person's ability to be prepared for a dog. If there is any signs of inconsistency's or the new potential owners inability to properly demonstrate care, courtesy, respect or consideration, we reserve the right to refuse a puppy. Any one who does not show for schedule visits and did not call ahead to cancel or give us courtesy to reschedule or simply did not appear for the visit, will not be able to obtain a puppy from us. It tells a great deal about a person who does not respect the time of others or animals. Furthermore, our call systems screens those who are banned from having animals or are banned from our program, if your call does not go through or we do not respond may be do to your call being spammed. Please email if this happens to you by error.
During the second half session, we normally discuss the puppies health records, risks of transition shock and maintenance, the requirements from the state, and the health guarantee rights. Importantly, we discuss the do's and don'ts, the food they are on, when the next shots are due, deworming instructions and education and so much more. It is important that we leave enough time to discuss these instructions in detail for proper maintenance. If your puppy is in the middle of deworming process, we provide the dewormers and show you how to give them. Puppies will need to be dewormed every two to three weeks, regardless if they have clear fecal test results. Puppies put their mouths into everything, the key is to remain preventative and to clear their system. Important to note: Taking a longer time to pick a puppy can sometimes reduce our ability to give you the instructions properly on the second half of your appointment time, especially if there are appointments scheduled after your scheduled time slot. If this is the case, plan your time accordingly. Lateness of 15+ minutes will not be rescheduled.
Payments are taken at the end: we do cash, zelle or Venmo (2% surcharge with Venmo) Venmo also accepts certain credit cards. Check with your provider. Credit Cards acceptance coming soon.
New York State legally provides you coverage for illness, death & injury to a puppy in the first 14 business days better known as the puppy lemon law (Article 35-D of the General Business Law) . If it is determined by a vet that a puppy was sick, injured or dying during acquisition (Must be vet checked within 10 days) you have one of three options.
1. Return for a full refund plus vet fee reimbursement
2. Trade with another available puppy
3. Keep the puppy, get vet reimbursement for medical fees incurred from such event (excludes, maintenance related expenses, dewormers, fecal tests and shots expenses not related to illness) up to the amount paid for the puppy.
If it's something serious, we recommend option # 1 & 2, less serious, option # 3.
Exceptions: Normally Parasitic related reimbursement is not covered. However, Parasites are reimbursable if case is serious and caused severe illness to the animal (hospitalization).
It is important to treat this puppy like a newborn, keep away from new people/animals outside your home and do not allow them near sick individuals within the home. Yes, puppies can get a cold or flu.
It is important to note, transition shock affects the immunity of every puppy for the first 5 to 10 days of ownership. Every puppy reacts differently. On average, we have 2% variable of puppies who struggle seriously with transition shock and may need medical intervention. If this occurs, return puppy immediately, this will allow us to treat the puppy at our cost and not the burden of the customer. We have noticed that when the customer chooses option #3. The burden substantially exceeds the value of the puppy.
For Congenital defects, the state offers 6 months guarantee upon commencement of the agreement in order to make sure that a puppy finishes development properly. Most issues arise right away, if your puppy has a genetic or hereditary issue. Do not wait to resolve. If you determine to resolve after the six months expires, we are not responsible for the costs or consequences to those actions. Neglected issues of genetic origin tend to become far more costly if a person neglects to care early on or within that window. If a veterinarian asks you to wait for treatment, do consider the costs and consequences of waiting. It is not often that we get an activation of this portion of the health guarantee, but we do advise to do so timely and wisely if this event does arise. Upon notifying us of the issue, you have to provide in writing which of the three options you intend on taking along with all the necessary documentation listed on your health guarantee. If you choose to wait, you loose valuable options for your puppy. We do extend the genetic/hereditary guarantee for puppies we feel require it.
Bring yourself or any family that lives with you that can assist in picking the right puppy for your family. (Valid license and form of payment verified prior to visit) Also bring a towel, paper towels, a disposable bag for the trip home. For longer trips a crate works as well. Keep in mind, puppies have motion sickness when they are young and may throw up in the car during the ride or upon arrival at home. This is normal. If you are a minor, please make sure to bring a parent or guardian to fill out the paperwork. Must be over 21 years of age to purchase one of our puppies.
Using the instructions is a lot to take in. We use this section to reiterate, if your puppy is in the middle of deworming. Please note: not all parasites are worms, visible or internally, the cleansing process is just called deworming/detox. In order for a human to get these parasites, they would have to have ingested their puppy's fecal matter (poop) or allow their puppy to lick them in the face, or due to uncleansed hands. This does take a bit of work to happen. Don't panic!
Long island is known for the microbial based parasites, Giardia and Coccidia (Beaches here have tapeworm, hookworm and roundworm). Giardia is within our soil, lakes, streams and thus, within the bottom of our shoes, on our floors and anywhere that has high traffic of animals, there it will be. Puppies get giardia when their mom cleans them when they are born and during nursing. It is unavoidable. When she ingests their poop and feed them she create a parasitic situation. Since Giardia and most parasite eggs hatch within 21 day cycles, the puppies have to get dewormed every two to three weeks. no exceptions. So we as breeders, deworm puppies every two weeks to cut down the population until it is all gone. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible to clear an entire litter in one shot, especially since all the puppies stay together. Their best chance of getting the best successful flush, is when the puppies are separated and leave our premises. This can only be done best when they leave. We do provide dewormers in house (one time as a courtesy. We recommend buying safeguard (Fenbendazole) from chewy.com. It says its for Tapeworm, round worm and hook worm. However, six days supply also treats giardia. It normally costs $17 per pack (3 days supply). Please buy in advance and based on your puppies weight. Vets will charge substantially more if you get it from them instead. Please note: we do not reimburse vet fees relating to fecal tests, or deworming as this is part of the process and expected during the puppy maintenance process. Please take a fecal sample of your puppies poop on the 10th day from when dewormers were given, this will provide the best and most accurate results, if the dewormers worked or need repeating. Never test during deworming, inaccurate results will follow.
Coccidia (Microbial parasite)
Is microbial as well, does not affect humans and comes from live stock. The proper medicine is an antibotic called albon. That is the only way to rid of Coccidia. Some Vets provide it in a liquid form, we provide in tablets. If not provided during pick up, we do provide in house as a one time courtesy. All future cleansing will be at the owner's expense. It is important to note: during these processes, you must make sure your puppy does not ingest its poop at any time. This will start the process all over again. If the puppy touched their poop, then their toy and put the toy in their mouths. It defeats the purpose of the flush. Please plan accordingly.
Note: ALL puppies have parasites, either born or developed during the first 4 weeks of life during nursing. There is no such thing as a perfect scenario where they don't happen. All we can do is cleanse and continue until it is gone. Monthly maintenance is required for dogs for the rest of their lives. Your vet will provide a monthly chewable in the future for maintenance.
All information will be written down and provided.
We also educate about human deworming upon request.
Please note: If parasites are a concern for you, I strongly advise against getting a dog for a pet or service dog.
Your puppy's immune system gets shocked when we change environment, food, give shots, exposed to infected surfaces, other animals or gets stressed.
Usually this will result in the puppy's gut to inflame and show through their poop. Liquid diarrhea is concerning and we should be contacted immediately. Ice cream stackable poop is fine. We recommend a mixture of bland rice diet with their food (is best), or pureed pumpkin, boiled chicken breast. On more serious cases we provide an anti-diarrheal. During this change in environment, it is important to look for usually signs of abnormalities. The puppy is expected to be nervious and eat less. Mix 1 tbsp of the wet canned food with their dry kibbles to help entice them to eat. If they are not eating or drinking, please contact us immediately.
Please do this gradually and do not leave them unsupervised. If another animal is not up to date with their shots or goes frequently to places where high traffic of animal and potential diseases are, do not introduce until your puppy received all its primary shots.
Your puppy will come with its first or second group of shots: Its called four in one Parvo/Distemp/Adeno/Parainfluenza shot. Your puppy needs three rounds of this shot. The shot is done every 2 to 6 weeks since inception. To expediate when they can go out and be around other animals, attempt to get the shot done every two weeks. The next shots after is the rabies, lipo & bordetella. Please consult your vet for what is best for your regent. Many vets have different opinions, on when to give certain shots. Do not panic! No body is wrong, everyone has their own preferences. We do our first round of shots between 6 to 8 weeks of age. Please note, some vets don't count shots given prior to 8 weeks of age.
Please do not get your puppy a shot during the transition shock Period, or if illness is present or the first five days of pick up. This can give your puppy the viruses themselves.
Rabies are done for puppies on the premise after 4 months of age.
The moment your puppy gets home. Bath immediately, with Dawn or puppy shampoo. Do not introduce to other animals, or let them walk around your house. We want to cleanse their body of whatever is from their litter mates. Start with luke warm water, feet first, body next, and head last. Make sure not to get water in their ears, goldens are prone to ear infections. Bath as frequent as needed during the puppy phase. Be careful, over bathing can dry their skin. puppies usually have baths every four weeks or unless they get dirty. Over bathing can dry their skin and create skin conditions. Groomers, only take puppies after all shots are received and they are 4 to 6 months of age. Plan accordingly.
Puppies come with a sample bag of your puppies current food, a wee wee pad, sample of vitamins, health certificate, States health guarantee, instructions, health record of shots & dewormers, check list, and in some cases additional dewormers. a can of wet food and alot of paperwork. Restrictions: Please note as of 2019, we no longer participate with clubs, and do not give out breeding rights (However, we do allow viewing of the parents medical records upon request and the parents bloodlines). As a result, our program's sole purpose is to provide affordable pets, and emotional support/service animals. (Our puppies, are not to be purchased for breeding or partake in agility sporting events of any kind, this breed is not made for it) The purpose is to provide an affordable healthy pet. not encourage an increased volume of irresponsible breeding. Any requests made after purchase cannot be accommodated.
All female goldens have fur in their vulva which as puppies can contribute to UTI or Vaginitis. Make sure to take a warm cloth twice a day and wipe their vulva area clean. For females with retained vulvas, push out so they can outgrow it.
We don't crate them in-house when the litter is together. They are drawn to each other, it will make the process traumatic. The best time to train is within their new home. They need to know that their crate is their personal safe space within the home. Never use the crate for punishment. It sends the wrong message. Puppies should learn to use crates for all future necessary purposes, travel, animal hospital stays, groomer etc. No bedding in the crate until finished deworming processes and only after they mastered potty training. (Bedding should only be used in the winter, in the summer months, bedding can overheat and dehydrate your puppy)
Potty training is not for the faint of heart. The good news is that goldens are super smart and can learn in as quickly as 48 hours. The key lies with the owner. You must stay consistent. Puppies can't control or hold their bowls until 10 to 11 weeks of age. To start training their biological time clock, go on a strict schedule. They are stimulated to go to the bathroom the moment they have a drop of water or a kibble. If you leave the food and water bowl out to eat when they please, they will go to the bathroom all day long. Create a schedule that fits best for your needs. Presently, they are eating and drinking at 7am. 12pm and 5 pm. We provide water one more time before bed to flush their systems. After a meal, bring them to their wee wee pads and camp their until he/she goes to the bathroom. If they get it right, praise them "good potty" and pet them. They is showing them reward and an indication that they are doing something right. If they go to the bathroom in the wrong place through the day, say sternly "bad potty" and clean the space properly and place a pad where they went wrong. If they return their praise them. continue the process until you get two consistent days of potty training success.
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